People Solutions

Our services include a unique and award-winning Human Resources partner that focuses on the mobilisation and management of staff deployed in fragile regions, with specific support to humanitarian and development organisations.

  • CTG
    Through sourcing and managing both skilled and unskilled individuals, ranging from medical professionals to administrators, CTG’s unique human resource capability allows for rapid mobilisation for humanitarian and development projects and unrivalled people solutions in fragile, disaster and conflict-affected regions. With HR teams in their 17 countries of operation, close attention to duty of care and sustainability, and an extensive network of local humanitarian personnel, this award-winning company is honoured to call some of the best humanitarian and development organisations clients.
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  • Chelsea Staffing
    Chelsea Staffing develops local talent for corporate clients in emerging markets. With 12,000 personnel managed across 20 countries in Africa and the Middle East, Chelsea Staffing provides compliant, ethical, and culturally sensitive staffing solutions and minimises risks through their expertise in candidate sourcing and vetting. They also provide training and support to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees. Chelsea Staffing's turnkey HR solution and automated HR software enable them to support staff in remote regions without compromising standards.
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