Hart Nationwide is a business unit integral to Hart Security Limited; it has been providing physical protective security services to a range of clients in Somalia since 2015. The team are proud to announce that a long-held aspiration has been realised – certification to internationally recognised standards in respect of security operations management (ISO18788 and PSC1) and quality management (ISO9001). These ISO certifications provide our clients, suppliers and employees with benchmarked assurance that Hart Nationwide conduct their business activities to a best practice standard.
“The hallmarks of our service delivery are transparency, ethics (based upon the International Code of Conduct) and professionalism,” says James Houghton, COO of Hart Security Limited.
“I would like to congratulate the Hart Nationwide team, who have achieved this remarkable success despite the challenges presented by the COVID pandemic. It must be also be welcomed by our current clients and provide potential ones with the confidence that Hart Nationwide will deliver their security requirements to legitimate, respected standards.”
Hart Nationwide delivers risk management solutions across Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland. For more information about Hart and Hart nationwide please check out their website here.